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This film brought something fresh to the superhero genre. While there were already superpowered “antiheroes” galore in the Marvel canon, this one has a kind of A.D.D., thought-broadcasting style where he’s practically running a stand-up act during the fights. He’s witty, self-deprecating, ruthless, down-to-earth, and fearless at the same time; he has a heart, but if you have any connection to hurting the people he loves, you’re toast. [pullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]The film is entertaining and manages to parallel the personality of its main character: it’s quirky, unpredictable, and doesn’t take itself too seriously; but it manages to be true to itself and lovable–to a special audience.[/pullquote] The title comes from a very tough bar where mercenaries hang out. The deadpool is

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After the film, my biggest regret was that—despite the selection of great seats—there was almost no one in the theater. And anyone who lived near me would have had to have driven 40 minutes to see it. Okay, it was a weekday evening, but my regret was that people weren’t watching this film because they were watching “Deadpool,” for example, instead. And I am among the guilty because I saw Deadpool first, though that film played much closer to home. [pullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Would you let convicted murderers live in a prison with few constraints? How about letting people use drugs when and where they like?[/pullquote] Michael Moore presents ideas in a very effective way. Despite the often oversimplified and deliberately selective

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Hail, Caesar, the new Coen Brothers film, is not so much a story to enjoy as it is an experience to savor. I marvel at how in each their films the setting, costumes, and characters (actors) are impeccable. Every scene is a sublime creation. I am trying to convey the idea that you could get more from this film if you simply relish the marvel and spectacle of each scene rather than wait for some larger impact. It is not unlike walking through a gallery of masterworks; you pause before each one, feeling awe before the highest levels of Art and craft. If someone asks you later what you thought, you are likely to describe the effects on you of specific artists (or periods or

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[Note: This post is for education and entertainment only. Investment decisions should be made on the basis of suitability and risk tolerance and with the help of a professional.] Investors and planners should be aware of an important phenomenon called the “wealth effect.” The wealth effect occurs when asset prices rise, causing investors, savers, or property owners to feel wealthier. As a consequence of feeling more secure, they revise their spending and business investment budgets higher. Those higher levels then drive jobs, earnings, and asset prices still higher and the process feeds on itself. Sound simple? It is. [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] When asset prices go down, however, the wealth effect works in reverse: people don’t feel as wealthy, they don’t spend as

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